產品性能 Product performance: |
該夜視儀使用2代+(準3代及更高級別)級別像增強器This night vision device uses 2nd generation+(quasi 3rd generation and higher) level image intensifiers |
自帶紅外輔助光源 Equipped with infrared auxiliary light source |
可頭戴可手持;可雙眼觀看可單眼觀看 Can be worn on the head or held in the hand; Can be viewed with both eyes or with one eye |
強光斷電保護 Strong light power-off protection |
自動亮度調節 Automatic brightness adjustment |
超寬帶多層增透膜 Ultra wideband multilayer anti reflective film |
電池蓋彈簧內嵌設計 Embedded design of battery cover spring |
可接高倍鏡頭 Can be connected to high magnification lenses |
眼距可調節 Adjustable eye distance |
獨立雙開關系統 Independent dual switch system |
可接獨立遠距離紅外燈 Can be connected to independent long-distance infrared lights |
具備IP65防水防塵級別 Equipped with IP65 waterproof and dustproof rating |
產品參數 Product parameters: |
型號 model |
DD2041 |
DD3041 |
外觀樣式 Appearance style |
雙目雙筒 Binocular binocular |
雙目雙筒 Binocular binocular |
增像管級別 Level of image intensifier tube |
2代+(Gen2+) |
準3代 |
分辨率(線對,lp/mm) resolving power |
60-64 |
64-72 |
品質因數(FOM值)quality factor |
1400-1800 |
1600-2300 |
靈敏度(微安/流明,µ A/lm) sensitivity |
700-1000 |
850-1200 |
信噪比 Signal-to-noise ratio |
23-28 |
28-32 |
亮度增益(cd/㎡/lx) Brightness gain |
8000-12000 |
10000-20000 |
陰極面類型 Type of Yin Pole Surface |
S25 |
GaAs |
鏡片鍍膜類型 Lens coating type |
超寬帶多層增透膜 Ultra wideband multilayer anti reflective film |
放大倍率(倍,X) Magnification rate |
1x |
1x |
視場(度,°) field |
40 |
40 |
視度調節范圍(屈光度)(度,°) Visual adjustment range |
+5/-5 |
+5/-5 |
焦距(mm)focal length |
25 |
25 |
物鏡調節范圍 (米,m) Objective adjustment range |
0.25--∞ |
0.25--∞ |
體積(毫米,mm) volume |
110 x 87 x 68 |
110 x 87 x 68 |
重量(克,g) weight |
662 |
662 |
電源電壓 (伏,v)supply voltage |
2.0-4.2 |
2.0-4.2 |
電池類型Battery type |
1X CR123A鋰電池 |
1X CR123A鋰電池 |
連續工作時間(小時,h) Continuous working hours |
100(未開紅外)40(開啟紅外) 100 (without infrared enabled) 40 (with infrared enabled) |
防強光保護功能Anti strong light protection function |
有yes |
有yes |
方向感應自動開關功能 Direction sensing automatic switch function |
有yes |
有yes |
自動亮度功能 Automatic brightness function |
有yes |
有yes |
電池蓋彈簧內嵌設計Embedded design of battery cover spring |
有yes |
有yes |
紅外輔助燈 Infrared auxiliary light |
有yes |
有yes |
內置紅外指示燈 Built in infrared indicator light |
有yes |
有yes |
紅外燈波長(nm)LED wave length |
850 |
850 |
安裝遠距離獨立紅外燈 Installing remote independent infrared lights |
支持support |
支持support |
眼距調節功能 Eye distance adjustment function |
支持support |
支持support |
接高倍鏡頭 Connect to high magnification lens |
支持support |
支持support |
工作溫度范圍 (°C ) Working temperature range |
-50/+60 |
-50/+60 |
貯藏溫度范圍(°C ) Storage temperature range |
-50/+70 |
-50/+70 |
相對濕度 relative humidity |
5%-98% |
5%-98% |
無故障時長 No fault duration |
10000小時/10000 hours |
10000小時/10000 hours |
防水防塵級別 Waterproof and dustproof level |
IP65 |
IP65 |
官方質保 Official warranty |
1年/1 year |
1年/1 year |