產品性能 Product performance: |
高清低照度圖像傳感器High definition low light image sensor |
日夜兩用全天候觀測Day and night dual-use all-weather observation |
一鍵高清錄像或拍照One click high-definition video recording or photography |
WIFI連接手機實現同步觀看和遠程遙控 WIFI connection to mobile phone for synchronized viewing and remote control |
一體式獨立翻折顯示屏 Integrated independent folding display screen |
流暢的數碼倍率變焦(放大或縮小) Smooth digital zoom (zoom in or out) |
北斗+GPS復合定位 Beidou+GPS composite positioning |
電子羅盤/俯仰角/水平角/氣壓計 Electronic compass/pitch angle/horizontal angle/barometer |
視頻輸出功能 Video output function |
圖像亮度調節功能 Image brightness adjustment function |
眼距可調節 Adjustable eye distance |
超寬帶多層增透膜Ultra wideband multilayer anti reflective film |
支持4G-128G范圍內的micro SD卡/Supports micro SD cards in the 4G-128G range |
支持多種電源方式 Supports multiple power supply methods |
支持安裝三腳架 Support the installation of tripods |
產品參數 Product parameters: |
型號model |
DB1920Lpro |
傳感器分辨率 Sensor resolution |
1920x1080 |
放大倍率Magnification rate |
10-60倍連續變倍/10-60x continuous doubling |
視場角度(度,°)(D、H、V分別是對角、水平、垂直三個方向Field of view angle (degrees, degrees) (D, H, V are diagonal, horizontal, and vertical directions respectively) |
D=7.36 H=5.9 V=4.4 |
焦距(mm)focal length |
50 |
眼距范圍Eye distance range |
65(+/-5)mm(可調節)(Adjustable) |
視度調節范圍(屈光度)Visual adjustment range |
+5°/-5° |
物鏡直徑Objective diameter |
50mm |
錄像質量 Recording quality |
1920x1080 |
照片質量 Photo quality |
1920x1080 |
觀察模式 Observation mode |
晝/夜兩種模式(彩色/黑白) Two modes of day/night (color/black and white) |
夜間模式擋位Night mode gear |
1-4擋(N1/N2/N3/N4) |
紅外輔助燈波長 Infrared auxiliary light wavelength |
850 |
屏幕亮度調節Screen brightness adjustment |
支持(1-3擋)Support (1-3 gears) |
TF內存卡端口TF memory card port |
支持,支持4G-128G Yes, supports 4G-128G |
USB端口/USB port |
支持, 支持供電功能, 存取數據 Support, support power supply function, access data |
HDMI視頻端口 HDMI video port |
支持,micro/Support, micro |
WiFi連接手機APP WiFi connection to mobile app |
支持iOS & Android ,圖像視頻傳輸/遠程遙控,可一對多 Supports iOS&Android, image and video transmission/remote control, capable of one to many |
WIFI連接APP有效距離 Effective distance of WIFI connection to APP |
20米內 Within 20 meters |
北斗定位Beidou positioning |
支持support |
GPS 定位/GPS positioning |
支持support |
電子羅盤Electronic compass |
支持support |
俯仰角Pitch angle |
支持support |
氣壓計(氣壓、高度、氣溫) Barometer (pressure, altitude, temperature) |
支持support |
聲音記錄Sound recording |
支持support |
日期記錄Date Record |
支持support |
一體式獨立顯示屏 Integrated independent display screen |
支持support |
獨立顯示屏尺寸(長X寬)Independent display screen size (length x width) |
6cm X 4.5cm |
電池類型Battery type |
CR123A X 3,3.7V鋰離子充電電池,16340型號 CR123A X 3, 3.7V lithium-ion rechargeable battery, model 16340 |
其他電源方式 Other power supply methods |
支持,如移動電源、直流電、車載電源等 Support, such as mobile power, DC power, car power, etc |
低電量指示Low battery indicator |
支持support |
語言選擇Language selection |
中文、英文Chinese, English |
防塵防水等級Protection grade |
生活防水Domestic waterproofing |
外接三腳架External tripod |
支持,1/ 4英寸三腳架接口, 皮卡丁尼 Supported, 1/4-inch tripod interface, Picardini |
產品尺寸Product size |
220x126X65mm |
重量weight |
1422g |